Working alongside a group of peers from my program, alongside an accounting student, we worked to produce this campaign for McDelivery. Our main message was that McDelivery can satisfy your cravings 24/7. The main inspiration behind the design itself is based off of my own and many others perspectives of what they crave when they see McDonalds bold and vibrant brand colours. I remember craving the now discontinued grilled cheese when I was young.
This campaign was also inspired by McDonalds award winning OOH billboards. However in our case, we seperated our idea in a way that gears it towards your specific cravings. Making sure to also utilize McDonalds unique product names. This campaign shows itself to be strong in execution and uses the different cravings to subconsciously make our viewers stomach grumble.
The part of the campaign I produced was to be placed within subway systems and within transit itself, so it can be seen by those who don't own a vehicle, and are more than likely commuting from a long day of work, or didn't have time to pack their lunch. McDelivery allows you to satisfy these cravings no matter the time or place. This idea also showed itself so strongly that my group went on to present to Cossette who was the agency that briefed us initially. In which we came 2nd place among 6 teams. Alongside being an amazing campaign to work on, the further experience allowed me to recieve lots of feedback on my work and allowed me to practice presenting myself in a professional atmosphere.
Original Sketch:

Original Rough Drafts - upon further feedback we were advised to remove the arrow as it drew the viewers attention away from the main cause at hand, being your cravings. By scaling the logo larger we were able to bring the brand colours to the forefront of the viewers attention.

Final Pieces